Fiction Thoughts

Inky ✨️⚓️

Infinite stars blinked across the inky expanse. Unblinkinly he stared into the endless sky, awed by its grandeur. If only there was a bridge to transport him to this mercurial expanse. Stumped, he lay down. Suddenly, he saw the stars brighten & blink in the inky darkness. Mystified, he felt calm as a millpond, cocooned …

Unruly #atozchallenge

Through the month of April I am writing along with 1900 participants for the A to Z Challenge. My theme for the Alphabet Challenge is FEELINGS and FICTION. The happy, sad, funny, silly, envious, over the top and totally low down account of feelings in 100 words of fiction. Raven liked her calm, uncluttered, thoughts. …