Author Answers’ Falguni Kothari #MLLS

Author_Falguni Kothari

I have been reading the latest, highly appreciated ‘tear-jerker’ My Last Love Story and have been wishing to know more about the author. She has written the book with such depth and insight. This is the third book by the talented lady. Kindly welcome, Falguni Kothari on the blog as she shares her writing, her life, and her passion.

Thank you for gracing Eloquent Articulation with your presence, Falguni.


Author Answers


  1. When did you decide to become a writer? Why do you write?

I sort of “fell” into writing in 2010, after my mother scolded me to “get off my butt and do something intellectually productive.” 😀 Yup, my mom is strict, and in this case, I agreed with her so I listened.

I write because words have always given me pleasure and solace and company. I’m an only child, so books have always been my best friend. I believe in the power of words.

  1. Give us three “Good to Know” facts about you. Be creative.

I started driving at 13 and got my license at 18.

I prefer my own company, though you can never tell because I’m naturally diplomatic.

I did not finish college.

  1. Of all of the characters you have created, which is your favorite and why?

I love all of my characters equally. However, if I had to pick a favorite in this book, it would be Nirvaan’s grandmother. She’s a woman from a different generation and yet, wise and open-minded and bighearted and spunky.A person old enough to know that happiness is fleeting so one must grab on and squeeze the lemonade out of life.

  1. The cover is worth a thousand words, how much of the cover designs for the books did you choose or were they designed by someone else?

As I’m a hybrid author—two of my books are traditionally published and two are self published in certain territories with sub-rights to publish sold to traditional publishers, I’ve been in both, the driver’s seat for my covers as well as in the passenger seat. Usually, with trad publishers, their designing team takes your cover vision into account but final decision is theirs. For Soul Warrior and My Last Love Story, I told/ explained to my cover designer exactly what I wanted and she produced it for me. Don’t ask me which process I like better: to be totally responsible or partially at fault for my covers. 🙂

  1. How important are names of the characters in your books? Do you choose the names etc based on liking the way it sounds or the meaning? Do you have any name choosing resources you recommend?

Names are very, very important when I’m writing, as is the title of my book/s. I usually incorporate different ethnicities and settings and cultures in my stories and so the names are carefully chosen. They have to belong or fit the protag’s community or background. I also take the meaning of the names into account, because I like my character’s character to reflect the meaning of his or her name.

I mostly troll online baby name sites for names. I also have a database of names that I file away, on reserve, for future novels.

  1. Do you read your reviews? Do you respond to them, good or bad? Do you have any advice on how to deal with the bad?

Yes, I absolutely read my reviews. I like to know how readers are receiving a story. I also am fascinated when one reader gives me 5 stars and on the same day another gives me 1 star. It reaffirms the fact that it takes all types to make this world. I’ve experienced the same as an avid reader myself. Many times, a popular book or a bestseller has me irritated and wondering what the hell was in that story to make the world gaga over it? So, it all boils down to Perspective. Everyone has one but no two people will have the same one.

Advice on how to deal with bad reviews is to ignore it and respect that reader’s opinion. (Privately, you may curse them out. Stick imaginary voodoo pins into their imaginary voodoo dolls.)

Now, if the book is consistently getting bad reviews, then the author might want to sit up and take notice. But if she or he is getting a range of reviews and opinions, then he or she should be glad that the book is affecting so many readers in so many different ways.

  1. Which writers inspire you and why? What is your favorite book and why?

I have taken inspiration from a plethora of writers. As I mentioned before, books are my best friend and I’ve read thousands thus far.

The books that I read over and over again, which obviously means they are my favorite, are: Pride and Prejudice, Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, Natural Born Charmers by Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Tempted by Megan Hart, Julius Caesar by Shakespeare, The Mahabharata (translated versions).

I don’t have a reason for reading these books over and over except to say that I love the world/s they take me to, and the characters in those books are like my family.

  1. How do you think you have evolved creatively? If you could have been the original author of any book, what would it have been and why?

From Wordfreak to MLLS, I think my writing has become stronger. I write deeper, more meaningful characters and situations now.

With Wordfreak, I was simply writing without purpose. I had no ambition beyond hoping to finish what I’d started and let my imagination roam free. Now, I write with purpose. With a clear-ish vision as to how the book will be published, and who the audience will be.

I don’t think I’ve ever felt that I should be the original author of any book that I’ve read. Just as no two readers will experience the same book, in the same way, I truly believe that no two authors can write the same story in the same way. Each author brings their own experiences and knowledge and personality into their stories and it cannot be replicated. Julius Caesar written by Moi will be a vastly different beast, ya know?

  1. Are there any final words for the readers of Eloquent Articulation?

Keep reading, Dear Readers, and enjoying the words and the worlds that books take you to. And thank you for your support of books.

Thanks, Inderpreet, for hosting me on your blog. This was a great interview.


It was wonderful speaking to you Falguni. My best wishes for your book and hoping to read a lot, lot more from you. Keep Writing.






Perfect for fans of Jojo Moyes’s, Me Before You, My Last Love Story is a heartbreaking and poignant tale about the complexities of trauma and whether love can right a wrong.

I, Simeen Desai, am tired of making lemonade with the lemons life has handed me.
Love is meant to heal wounds.
Love was meant to make my world sparkle and spin.
Love has ripped my life apart and shattered my soul.
I love my husband, and he loves me.
But Nirvaan is dying.
I love my husband. I want to make him happy.
But he is asking for the impossible.
I don’t want a baby.
I don’t want to make nice with Zayaan.
I don’t want another chance at another love story.
Weepers, keep tissues handy.
Grab your copy @

About the author

Falguni Kothari is a New York-based hybrid author, and an amateur Latin and Ballroom dance silver medalist with a semi-professional background in Indian Classical dance. She writes in a variety of genres sewn together by the colorful and cultural threads of her South Asian heritage and expat experiences. When not writing or dancing, she fools around on all manner of social media and loves to connect with readers.

My Last Love Story is her fourth novel.

You can stalk her @

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  1. Pingback: #MLLS My Last Love Story by FALGUNI KOTHARI

  2. Tumika Patrice Cain

    Great interview! I can so relate to the relationship you grew up having with words. I liken writing to being my oldest, dearest friend. Perhaps being an only child for a long time played a part in that. Anywho, I have your book and can’t wait to read it! Wishing you continued literary success…Tumika

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