Author Answers by Yamini Vijendran on FULL CIRCLE

In the very special series of author interviews where I get to interact with the immensely talented authors whose books I read; today I present the multi-talented YAMINI VIJENDRAN. She shares with us her thoughts and motivation for writing a love story of a 60 year old lady and why it needed to be told.

She is Yamini Vijendran, An Author, Freelance Writer.
She can be found here…….

I wish more of us hear and read this story so we realise that we turn a deaf ear and blind eye but this angst does exist and it is high time we stop being hypocrites because all of us will grow old, sooner rather than later.

Over to Yamini and  her Malini……

  1.  What has been your motivation for writing this book “Full Circle” and publishing it by Indireads?
When my son was born, my paternal aunt came to live with us, to help me look after the kid. She would tell me a lot of stories from her childhood and youth, of how they went to school, how the boys made passes at them, her first crush etc. There used to be a hint of yearning for something in her voice, which left a deep impression on me. 
There are thousands of Indian women out there, who swallow their dreams, their love, to fall in line with their familial dictum’s. They are afraid to stand up to their patriarchs for their love, and silently drink the tears of remembrance of the man they once loved. If their marriages end up successful, the pain of loss is assuaged a little, but If they do not, then the pain keeps pricking them throughout their lives. Full Circle was born out of the lives of these very women.
    2.  The cover is worth a thousand words, how much of the cover did you choose or was it designed by someone else or Indireads?
The cover design was entirely done by the design team at Indireads. When Naheed sent me the cover for the first time, I was simply blown over by how the young Malini looked. She is just as I envisioned her to be and has stayed that way in my eyes ever since.
    3.   Give us three “Good to Know” facts about you. Be creative.
1. I majored in biology in high school, then went on to do engineering, before taking up a career in IT, and finally ended up with what has always beeny first love, writing. In a way, my creative life has come Full Circle too.
2. I learnt bharatanatyam for 5 years. When in school, college and all the companies I worked, no function ever passed without I participating in a dance or any other item in it.
3. I am basically a Maharashtrian, whose ancestors have settled in TamilNadu. So in TamilNadu we are sometimes outsiders because we speak Marathi at home, and when in Maharashtra, we are outsiders because we don’t speak Marathi the same way they do.
    4.   What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
I read, read, and read some more. I also like listening to music, light or classical, and travel when I can.
   5.  If you could cast your characters in the Bollywood adaptation of your book, who would play your characters?
Malini – Vaijayanthi Mala
Ranjan – Rajesh Khanna
(I can’t think of any of the current faces who would exactly fit my characters)
   6.   How important are names to you in your books? Do you choose the names Malini and Ranjan based on liking the way they sound or the meaning of the name? Do you have any name choosing resources you recommend?
Malini is a name that I have loved for long. It kind of rhymes with my name and I like the ring and the music in it. So it came as a natural choice for my heroine. For Ranjan, I had been looking for a name that looked traditional, yet was easy to pronounce for everyone. Most Tamil names are quite long and people have difficulty getting them right. I wanted a name that would stay in mind for long. There was some confusion between Rajan and Ranjan, but Rajan seemed a bit commonplace to me, so Ranjan became my choice.
    7.   What were the challenges (research, literary, psychological, and logistical) in bringing Full Circle to life?
My main challenge was to make Ranjan’s and Malini’s coming together for the second time believable and plausible. Also, making their families accept their union needed to be written in a logical way.
    8.   What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?

If it were possible, I would sit and finish one full story in one go. Most of my short stories are written that way. With me, I have come to realize that if I leave a short story mid-way, I never end up completing it. Thankfully, it is not possible to write the longer version that way, so I try to end the day’s writing at an interesting point so as to automatically get drawn to it the next day.

Thank you so much for being so candid and forthcoming Yamini. It was indeed a pleasure to have you here on my blog.

Full Circle 
Yamini Vijendran

The Blurb
 Outwardly, Malini is a contented, sixty-something grandmother with a loving family and everything a person could wish for. But Malini has lived her entire life with a secret confined to the deepest recesses of her heart.

Haunted by the past, she travels to Kumbakonam, her native town, which she had left years ago. There, she comes face-to-face with her long-lost love.

After forty years, will Malini be able to reclaim her own life, when love comes knocking at her door once again?

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Meet the Author

Yamini Vijendran (@saimini) is the author of ‘Full Circle’, a romance novella published by Indireads. After being a Software Professional for 7 years, Yamini has been freelancing from home for the past 3 years. She loves to dabble in fiction and romance and drama are her favorite genres. Her short stories have been published in ‘Love Stories That Touched My Heart’, an Anthology published by Penguin India, New Asian Writing and Six Sentences. Yamini also likes to pen poems when inspiration strikes, and her poetry has been published in The Indian Review, Contemporary Literary Review of India and ‘A World Rediscovered’ a poetry Anthology by Cyberwit Publications. Yamini draws material for her stories and poems from the world around her. When she is not converting her experiences to stories or poems, Yamini reads, plays with her toddler, and fools around her laboratory, that is, the kitchen. 

You can stalk Yamini Vijendran @



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