#WisdomWednesday with @Shalz75 Decoding a Book Review


I was very chuffed when Shalini from Shalzmojo asked me to guest post for her for [ #WisdomWednesday ] I have known Shalini when we met for the Breaking Barriers event organised by WomenWeb last year. She is a spirited and generous person. I really enjoy her bubbly and friendly nature, always willing to lend an ear.




When she told me that she wanted me to do a guest post for her I was more than happy since I enjoy doing guest posts and this one was about books 🙂  I was happy to write about it and pen my thoughts on how a book review should be and share my tips about book reviews. She asked me to write for her post of #WisdomWednesday on the topic of Decoding a Book Review

“My book reviews don’t have a point system or a specific format but usually keep the review within 4 or 5 small, easy to read paragraphs. It reads more like a conversation I would have with you if we were discussing the book. I ensure to layer anything negative with some praise. I firmly believe that everything has something good in them. I make notes of things that move me in a good or bad way. I ask a few questions while I think of what to write. How accurate is it of its genre? Does it deliver what it promised in the blurb? Is it honest? “

Read the full post here……


#WisdomWednesday  of Decoding a Book Review