Three brothers and all of them unfit so who will be Santa Claus? #Snowbound has a thought-provoking premise and is an adventurous read. #SNOWBOUND is about Santa Claus, and Christmas and how all of it could disappear. Oliver has woven Christmas and myths and magic, merging them to bring to life a delightful story of two boys, Adam and Zach who are trying to save Christmas.
The boys are magically transported to the realm of Santa and are surprised to find reindeers who talk, elves that are super ninjas and a Santa Claus who is missing. Adam and Zach are not really friends but thrown together into an unknown world and they start helping each other. Mysterious characters find them, guiding them to search for the ‘real Santa’ in #Snowbound.
Niccolo, the elder brother sends them to ask the other two to relinquish their claim for being Santa as time is running out. Learning on the run, making new friends, finding unbelievable adventures and facing their fears and faults. Challenges, mysteries, a sword and a mask add to their quest, sometimes helping sometimes not so much. The boys are quick learners and make a friend of the witch, Tatyana who helps them.
Values, honesty, friendship, morals and doing the right thing, listening to your heart blend with the fiction of Snowbound to make a reality that is quite possible if we forget the magic of Christmas. Not a bit preachy but still very interesting, the book kept me hooked as I was eager to learn who would the new Santa be. A translation of the other language spoken would have been better but I could guess what was being talked about.
Olivier has filled this book with not just escapades and magic but valuable lessons as well. It is a good book to be read around this season when Christmas is almost here. Reiterating the values and ideals, we hold dear.
A flying jeep that turns into a chicken, magical powers that make the boys almost invincible and plain old faith make Adam’s mission a success. It is not as easy as you think but you will need to read the book to know how. You will be forgiven if like me you think that it could be Adam – I know! How silly is that!
I have read Warrior and Sweet Revenge by Olivier Lafont and he is a maverick with words, making page-turners for his fans.
The last Santa Claus had triplets who each inherited a portion of his father’s power, and that split is now tearing apart the soul of Christmas.
Niccolo Vecchio, the eldest, has fortified the North Pole into a citadel of ice and metal.
Santini, the middle brother, is in hiding somewhere in the Mediterranean.
The youngest brother, Niccolo Piccolo, is raising legions to reclaim his inheritance.
Two of the triplets will have to renounce their claim in the next forty-eight hours, or this Christmas will be the last one ever.
And it’s up to Adam, underachieving teenager sub-ordinaire, and his brand new jock bully Zach to make that happen…