Supporting writers and authors in their journey to publishing that elusive book are the editors.
Silent folks that work behind the scenes to ensure the best copy possible.
The writing process is both easy and complicated.
The stories that an author writes are fine-tuned by an editor, but finding the right editor can be a challenge for most writers.
A peek inside their mind, their work and their most valuable advice for writers.
I am honoured that Samarpita Mukherjee Sharma agreed to be interviewed on the website. Her edits, advice, and inputs have ensured many bestsellers for her authors.
In this new series on Eloquent Articulation, I share writing advice and interviews with editors for writers and authors.
You can follow the hashtag, #WritingResourcesByIndy to check out all posts in the series
Welcome to Eloquent Articulation Samarpita.
Q1. What pulled you into the field of editing?
I have studied mass communication after my post graduate degree in Economics, and was a journalist for a few years. While working as a journalist, I trained to be an editor on the desk. So when I quit my full-time career, this was a natural transition. I am a trained editor.
Q2. What levels of editing do you offer Samarpita?
I primarily offer developmental editing, and that is what excites me the most. Alongside, I also offer basic editing where only the major grammatical errors are tackled, as well as beta reading and proofreading.
Q3. Tell us about your typical workday?
I opted for freelance/work from home because I hated 9-to-5. So unlike what many people say on the Internet, I don’t work on fixed times. I like my days flexible, but on most days when I edit in-depth, I close all doors and windows and work non-stop for a few hours. What I am trying to say is that on some days I could be working from 8 pm to after midnight, and on some, in the morning and be done by 3 pm. However, I take work calls and emails only between 10-6.
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Q4. Editors are usually voracious readers and book lovers. Are you a one or multi-book reader, Samarpita? What are you reading right now?
I used to be a must-book reader all my life. That changed recently, and now I read one published book at a time which is the most I can manage along with the unedited manuscripts that I read. I consciously try not to fill my head with too many wonderful stories while I am editing. I am currently working on Part 2 of my ebook, How To Write A Story Effectively, which I intend to publish via KDP next month. So all that I am reading right now is the racy thriller I am editing.
Q5. How do you sustain interest in even the most mundane aspects of editing – proofreading, fact-checking, source-checking, etc?
Luckily, I love to edit with passion. It’s not a career I chose because I am reasonably good in English, or because I wanted a WFH option. It is what I studied and trained for, I love my work passionately. Fact checking is always fun because I end up learning something new. Source-checking can be a bore at times, but it’s part of the job, so it’s okay.
Q6. Share about your most confounding editing assignment to date. How it affected you as an editor?
There was an author who had written a self-help book and 3/4th of it was picked from the internet verbatim. The author kept arguing that those were his words despite being shown screenshots and links to the content already existing on the Internet, some of the things said by very famous people. Here, I learnt immense patience. And, also how to be firm without offending or getting pulled down.
Q7. Please share one pro-tip for your writers? What advice would you give writers trying to pitch stories to your publication?
My constant tip to authors is to write in simple language. Don’t mistake it with pedestrian language. Your readers want to read a good story, give them a good story. Flowery language, complicated phrases, etc will only throw them off. I have spoken about this in my ebook, and am including more such tips in the second part.
Q8. Where can writers reach you for editing queries?
Editing queries can be mailed at [email protected]
I am on Instagram at and my website is
Thank you for joining me on the blog, Samarpita. All the best for your projects ahead.
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