This editor explains series and pretty much everything on the blog has been in limbo. A swollen knuckle, repeat tennis elbow, probably carpal tunnel and an eye bleed all within one year. Yes, it wasn’t a pretty picture of the eye, but it looked worse than it was. This has always been a place for …
Just as women do not talk about their periods to their husbands, they don’t share about menopause and usually suffer alone. Unless a medical issue presents itself; and by then, any preventive or therapeutic medicine or treatment is already late. Menopause is the pause we women find ourselves in whether or not we are prepared …
A large number of women have chosen the ‘work from home’ option to be able to manage both work and home. Are work from home moms penalised for this choice? When women work outside the home, their work inside doesn’t magically go away! Women continue to bear the ‘double burden’ of two jobs – resulting …
Standing tall, speaking out and fighting depression – Shailaja Vishwanath, on how she defeated depression as she found inner strength and vocal supporters. Are you one of those ‘sunny disposition, always smiling, fun loving’ people who never have a bad, sad day. Is blue for you always a colour and never a feeling? Then this …
This Mother’s Day was very different and special for some mothers and children across the country. Find out how! These loving mothers chose to spend this special day not with their own kids or mothers but in an orphanage. An initiative to spread some happiness in the lives of orphaned children across India in five …
These 6 beautiful Sankranti tips set the mood for a wonderful celebration with loved ones this week. I have yet to find a festival that is celebrated with as much fervour and gaiety all over India as Sankranti. No matter which part of the country you are from, this is one occasion that gets everyone …
The author writes about the recent announcement about the Air Force allowing women fighter pilots in India. indywrites The author, who comes from a family of pilots, writes about the Air Force’s recent announcement that Indian women pilots in India will be allowed to take part in combat. I belong to a family of pilots; flying is …