Editor Explains: Varun Vithaldas Prabhu #WritingResourcesByIndy @VPAllasander

A multi-talented, passionate entrepreneur who is also a self-taught editor.

You would also have seen him in the recent ICF Zoom session I was a part on ‘Beta-reading’.

You can also catch it here on my YouTube Channel.

Creating worlds, spinning tales and fixing prose; Varun is a man who wears many hats.

A ghostwriter, editor and creative map maker of unknown, fantastical worlds!

He shares his work at his brand service company group Urna Creative.

I welcome Varun Vithaldas Prabhu aka @VPAllasander on Eloquent Articulation today.

Q1. What pulled you into the field of editing? 

Varun: I have always believed in helping authors find their niche and market. In order to get to the right readers, there’s always the need for the content to be near perfect and evocative. So, I took up editing in the hope that I make their manuscript the best possible version of themselves. 


Q2. What levels of editing do you offer?  

Varun: I offer developmental editing, copyediting, line editing and proofreading services to my clients. I do anything from structure to character development, from plot doctoring to manuscript critique, from grammar checks to fact checks. 

Q3. Tell us about your typical workday? 

Varun: My typical workday.. well… that varies… Apart from being an editor, I am a ghostwriter and an outliner as well (Well, I’m primarily these two). So, my day usually starts with my writing and outlining work. After lunch, I need my mandatory nap. And my evenings are spent either writing or editing. And when I am not doing those, I’m always reading or binging on OTT platforms. I mean, I do love books and screenplays. 


Q4. Editors are usually voracious readers and book lovers. Are you a one or multi-book reader? What are you reading right now?  

Varun: I read a lot of books simultaneously. Right now, I am reading Ikigai by Hector Garcia, Royals of Villain Academy Series by Eva Chase, and Dragon Marked by Jaymin Eve. 


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Q5. How do you sustain interest in even the most mundane aspects of editing – proofreading, fact-checking, source-checking, etc?

Varun: I work mostly in fiction, so I really do not do much of fact and source checks. Proofreading is an inbuilt option in several of my packages. It is the last thing I do to a manuscript. I look at it as another round, though less intensive than the others. And I always take a break in between rounds to maintain the interest. 


Q6. Share about your most confounding editing assignment to date. How it affected you as an editor?

Varun: I do think one of my recent editing assignments had me wonder a lot about my selection of clients. Many times, people have brilliant stories to tell but no talent for it. They write (and I salute them for it), but the draft they wrote… it was sub-par to say the least. Much of what they wrote required paraphrasing and rewriting. So, as an editor, not only did my mental calm center get affected but also my versatility. Usually, my projects get done within a specific time period. This project, however, required a lot more time than usual and I still cannot say it is a good project. So, maybe, I need to be more selective in the projects I take on. 


Q7. Please share one pro tip for your writers?

Varun: Never submit your first drafts to editors. Self-edit many times and only… only when you’re sure that you cannot objectively find anything wrong with your draft… only then send it across to an editor. 


Q8. Where can writers reach you for editing queries?

Varun: Writers can reach me at [email protected] or [email protected]. They can also contact me on my Facebook Profile (https://facebook.com/varunthelannister) or join my brand service company group called Urna Creative (https://facebook.com/groups/UrnaCreative). Alternatively, on Twitter, DM me at @VPAllasander


Thank you for joining me on the blog, Varun. I wish you all the best for your work and projects.

I eagerly await the launch of your book,  A Class of Delinquents: A Noah Academy Collection that is up for preorder now!

You can check out the Blurb and preorder here



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