The world is changing rapidly and in unimaginable ways even as we spread positivity with WATWB. Our businessmen are also facing these woes and turning them around. This month’s good news for the WE ARE THE WORLD BLOGFEST comes from the City of Joy- Kolkata. The three friends made a group, “Let’s Help” during the …
Month: July 2020
A multi-talented, passionate entrepreneur who is also a self-taught editor. You would also have seen him in the recent ICF Zoom session I was a part on ‘Beta-reading’. You can also catch it here on my YouTube Channel. Creating worlds, spinning tales and fixing prose; Varun is a man who wears many hats. A ghostwriter, …
This book, More Unfairy Tales is on old, popular, ever-loved Fairy Tales. It is a retelling of the old fairy tales that the children have always enjoyed. No one who reads would not have read them. I found the stories in More Unfairy Tales very interesting and different. This time the author has chosen five …