Fresh off the postbox! Magelica’s Voyage, Book 1 I received the paperback copies of the books sent across the oceans from Canada all the way to India. To say I was amazed and happy was an understatement, I had no idea I had been chosen to get the paperbacks. Thank you so much. The quality of the book, the …
About the Book Title: Things Are Not What They Seem | Authors: Anne Rothman-Hicks and Kenneth Hicks | Publication Date: April 9, 2014 | Publisher: MuseItUp Publishing | Pages: 268 | Recommended Ages: 10+ Summary: What would you do if you were sitting on a park bench, minding your own business, and one of …
The author has developed this series beautifully. I found this book an equally emotional read. She has discussed a lot of sensitive topics which many adults fail to handle properly. The journals of her mom Queenie were a really big deal for Ginnie but the author managed to turn them into a support and help …
Billy reminds us of our children and their unending demands during the festive season. Billy too learns that being thankful whatever we get is the biggest blessing. Nonstop demands and tantrums if the demands are not met are a scene most of us parents are familiar with! Here is a story that helps both parents …
My Review The story takes you on an adventure with the animals in Africa. They talk to Ray about all of them having differences and how those make them special. The animals help him to not feel hesitant about his differences and to celebrate them. The different animals present their own point of view and …
Title: A Year in the Life of the Secret Garden | Author: Valarie Budayr | Illustrator: Marilyn Scott-Waters | Publication Date: November, 2014 | Publisher: Audrey Press | Pages: 144 | Recommended Ages: 5 to 99 Book Description: Award-winning authors Valarie Budayr and Marilyn Scott-Waters have co-created A Year in the Secret Garden to introduce …
ISABELLA babysits Baxter is a delightful story book. It has beautiful illustrations, good, solid story line and great morals and learning for children. Isabella is a sweet, kind girl and makes the best of her pet dog Baxter, even though he is very frisky and naughty. I read the storybook with my kid and we …