The New Year is finally here and most of us, including me, have got the #NewYearNewMe out of our systems. Even though I make no assurances and promises to myself or others for the actions and changes to my writing that the new year will bring, I try to follow a writing goal that should nudge me in the direction that I’m taking.
It’s not an aimless random musing or meandering, but a stroll in the direction I want to finally arrive. Whether it will be this year, the next, or even later, is up in the cosmos.
The reason for this slumber or sloth is to avoid stress and anxiety for myself. Challenging and steadfast goals that must be achieved do not go well with the life of a full-time stay-at-home parent, mother and part-time, freelance editor and author. In the big picture, the demands of being a mother will outweigh the demands of me being a prolific author and writing daily.
Writing out those drafts into crisp books, random musing into articles and blog posts and even finally practising my touch-typing will always stumble. Not that I don’t prioritise my work, rather I choose to do less of it for fear of burnout and neglecting family life. Since I love all things bookish, it actually has happened that I forgot I was in a house and had small beings dependent on me. It was a choice made years ago, hence the slow pace of posts on the blog as well.
Writing has always grounded and guided me, so this year is no different as I started the year with my first article on Women’s Web about Menopause and the apathy, silence, and taboo associated with it.
If the post strikes a chord with you, I request you to share it and help bring this vital issue to the forefront and help women and families.
For the blog, I have lined up a few excellent editor interviews for this year. Sharing about good, experienced editors, writing, and sharing my knowledge in fiction writing and editing seems to be the best way of giving back to the work I love and enjoy so much.
I am celebrating my work anniversary this month, yes I formally announced my Editing Services in Jan 2012 and as a celebration, I am making my book, ‘The Writer’s Toolkit is for Self-Editing, Editing, and Editors‘ free to download for three days.
Free Book Promotion Friday, January 13, 2023, 1.30 PM IST to Sunday, January 15, 2023, 1:59 AM IST
Free Book Promotion Friday, January 13, 2023, 12:00 AM PST Sunday, January 15, 2023, 11:59 PM PST
Self-Editing, Editing, and Editors will help writers and authors demystify the nitty-gritty of editing. Read this book for a polished book and a calm author. The Writer’s Toolkit covers the basic steps needed to ensure that you have a well-edited book.
Editing Simplified!
You can download the free ebook here and please leave a review.
Thank you for reading and wish you a fabulous 2023.