Krishna’s Kindness #SupercopOfAryavrat by Mithilesh Kumar

Supercop of Aryavrat is none other than Krishna, the saviour and god himself. This book tells his story through his eyes. The book begins on the note when everything is ending. The Yadav clan is scattered, the Mahabharata war is over and Krishna is ruminating on his life and times.


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As his own brother, Balram’s words force him to introspect, Krishna sees devastation all around him. The scores of deaths make him doubt his actions and if he could have avoided all this carnage. The author has penned a Supercop of Aryavrat like a memoir of Krishna. The story unfolds from before his birth and finished with the curse by Gandhari.


Supercop of Aryavrat makes Krishna as a guardian and custodian of all that is good, trying to keep everyone safe. He stops the oppressors and evil kings, powerful demons and the Kauravas. His kindness, love and affection for all his family and his people are the driving force for his actions.

Even though it is a comprehensive story I found that several times the incident is narrated hurriedly or just glossed over. The language is simple, modern almost like the incidents are occurring in the present day. The writing is not smooth, the sentences could have a better flow and order. At times the actions of two characters would intermingle and lead to confusion. A round of editing would have made the book stand out since it has excellent content but lacking prose.

Supercop of Aryavrat is an ode to the life and times of Krishna. Often forgotten, ignored incidents are brought to light and shared in the story. The details and events are well documented and make an entertaining read. The language is very modern and ensures an easy and fast read. The events of yore are narrated as if they are happening in our present times.

The author has presented all the conflicts and trials of those difficult times with ease. The life of Krishna, the reason for his involvement in the various fights with so many rulers, the challenges he faced, the evil he conquered are all described in the book.

The incident of how he was married to 1600 wives is explained in the Supercop of Aryavrat so we understand how it was possible. However, I found the continuous desire of kings and various princesses to marry him even though he was married almost like the fan following of our film stars today. Krishna was quite a celebrity in his times as he is now!

The story is interesting, entertaining and all of us will remember some parts from the life and times of Krishna. Reading the book, Supercop of Aryavrat is like reading the stories we heard as a kid. A well-researched book that will reinforce the reasons why Krishna is one of the most loved gods.

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Supercop of Aryavrat by Mithilesh Kumar



“Do you think you are the SuperCop of Aryavrat?”

Balram’s words continue to haunt a helpless Krishna, as he watches the Yadav clan go on a rampage. The year is 3102 BC. Krishna lies all alone in a forest and resurrects in his mind the events of his adventurous life.

His venturesome journey began in the cradle itself. From his childhood escapades to the thrills of his youth, the eternal charmer dazzled hundreds of women and later became the ‘go to man’ of the entire populace of Aryavrat.

His life meandered from Gokul to Dwarka, and from Pushkar to Assam until the great war happened. Could he have prevented it altogether? Did it change the course of Krishna’s life? Maybe.

Mithilesh Kumar spins a tale in which love and romance blossom while the fiercest of battles are being fought, treachery and malevolence raise their ugly heads time and again, alliances are forged, friendships are tested, unlikely events happen and the ‘SuperCop’ manages it all with panache.



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Note: This review is commissioned by the author, views are my own.