Factual & Fresh! FULL CIRCLE by @saimini


A main character that is 60 and her story still holds interest leaving the reader with hope and a positive vision for future; that is Full Circle for you.

In our lives we come across various elderly who never got a second chance at love and life. Even in the late 30 or early 40’s they are relegated to live life as shadows. No life, no love, no hope and definitely no future.

Here is a tale that talks about this issue of not just remarriage but remarriage of an elder of the family. Yamini’s novella raises a lot of very valid and much needed questions.

The story line is quite simple and uncomplicated yet it works. A story about looking back and looking for closure, hoping to revisit the land of youth and hoping to make amends. Malini chooses to go back to the land where she was born and yet when she finds what she is looking for, she hesitates before making her choice.

The language of the book is another plus point, clean, error free and crisp sentences. A smattering of the local language adds to the charm of the book. It could have been based anywhere and still come out a winner.

The ending is a bit abrupt for me, though it was concluded well but I think a little more interaction between Malini and Ranjan in present would have been better. It is a novella hence less scope but maybe the earlier portion could be shortened and the latter increased. Well, I am no author so it is just my opinion because all the portions between Ranjan and Malini were superb.

A thoughtful and fresh read for a weekend or short break.  

Readers, who look for substance in their romance and chutzpah in their chick-lit, look no further than FULL CIRCLE!! 

Full Circle 
Yamini Vijendran

The Blurb
 Outwardly, Malini is a contented, sixty-something grandmother with a loving family and everything a person could wish for. But Malini has lived her entire life with a secret confined to the deepest recesses of her heart.

Haunted by the past, she travels to Kumbakonam, her native town, which she had left years ago. There, she comes face-to-face with her long-lost love.

After forty years, will Malini be able to reclaim her own life, when love comes knocking at her door once again?

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Meet the Author

Yamini Vijendran (@saimini) is the author of ‘Full Circle’, a romance novella published by Indireads. After being a Software Professional for 7 years, Yamini has been freelancing from home for the past 3 years. She loves to dabble in fiction and romance and drama are her favorite genres. Her short stories have been published in ‘Love Stories That Touched My Heart’, an Anthology published by Penguin India, New Asian Writing and Six Sentences.

Yamini also likes to pen poems when inspiration strikes, and her poetry has been published in The Indian Review, Contemporary Literary Review of India and ‘A World Rediscovered’ a poetry Anthology by Cyberwit Publications. Yamini draws material for her stories and poems from the world around her. When she is not converting her experiences to stories or poems, Yamini reads, plays with her toddler, and fools around her laboratory, that is, the kitchen. 

You can stalk Yamini Vijendran @



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