With the alphabet P, I bring two authors whom I grew up with and who groomed my generation with a very positive attitude towards India. I share Uncle Pai of Tinkle fame and Pran from Chacha Chaudhary. Who hasn’t read these two? The third author is present day India, history & mythology fan; Devdutt Pattanaik. …
The AtoZChallenge has been especially difficult for me this year, coupled with the move to another state has left my blogging in a sad state. Still I continue and N brings with it one of my very favorite author R K Narayan. Just his name evokes so many happy memories. Followed by Kiran Nagarkar and …
A writer, author of Indian origin is not that difficult to find but the find one corresponding to each alphabet of the English letter is no mean feat! Lots of competition here. I first heard about Rasana through some blogging friends and thought her writing had a lot of Indian flavor and the book covers …
The New Year is already old with a month already past. Days and weeks have slipped away and the new beginnings and plans already abandoned or changed and lucky ones implemented. The thought that time flies is never more obvious than during the beginning or an ending. One thing that I had planned last year …