A to Z of Blogging @miss_teerious

A to Z of Blogging_Cover

This book, A to Z of Blogging gives insights in managing all possible aspects of your blog. What attributes one must keep in mind while trying to establish oneself as a blogger. What to do and where not to waste our time. The tips, ideas, and the technical jargon are all explained in a very well laid out and easy manner. Zeal, enthusiasm & the personal touch make the difference in A to Z of Blogging book. Making it stand out as not just a manual but a guide book with a helping hand. Chicky has ensured that the book is useful and user-friendly.

A to Z of Blogging_Cover

The book is set up in clear section and is alphabetical courtesy the A to Z Challenge. Many a good book has been the result of the yearly challenge. It is a comprehensive book that will help you get ahead in the game. Design, engagement, content, seo, updation, backup, and pretty much everything under the sun is covered.

[bctt tweet=”Grasp of the various facets of #blogging, without overwhelming you with pages full of technical how-tos” username=”indywrites”]

The sections I found most useful in A to Z of Blogging were –

  • Must have widgets and how to avoid clutter.
  • Adding ‘you’ to your blog. How it works and how it helps.
  • Common Blogging Habits.
  • Words like Doppelblogging and Blurking. Their meaning and relevance.
  • Labels and tags – so important and so misunderstood. She explains in detail in the section. “On my craft blog http://www.kraftyfingers.com/ , I have used three such widgets to organize my content product-wise, technique-wise and tag-wise. Have a look to understand better.”
  • Labels and tags – their use and importance. I personally prefer “clouds” over “lists” because “clouds” are shorter and more easily scanned that “lists”.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tips For Blogging.

Overall A to Z of Blogging is a very fast read and the relevance for me as a blogger makes it a book I can refer to again and again. It is a must-read for all the new bloggers, still struggling to find their niche and nuances in the blogging world. Not just your blog but your own online presence will benefit from this book.

A to Z of Blogging: Take Your Blog To The Next Level


Chicky Kadambari

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Are you thinking of starting a blog, but you don’t know which blogging platform to choose?

Are you new into blogging, getting confused by the number of gadgets and widgets available, unable to decide which ones to keep on your blog?

Do you get intimidated by all the blogging jargon, like RSS and SEO?

Do you wonder about what makes “good blog content” and what doesn’t?

Do you find yourself at a loss for ideas to blog about and are looking for ways to find inspiration for your post topics?

Do you want to know the secret for getting more readers and retaining them?

Do you wish to make your blog stand out from the crowd?

Are you looking for ways to start making money from your blog?

If you answer any of the above questions in a ‘yes’, then this book is for you.

Whether you’re completely new in the blogosphere, or you have been around in this space for a while but wish to take your blog to the next level now, this book will help you get a better grasp of the various facets of blogging, without overwhelming you with pages full of technical how-tos and elaborate platform-specific tutorials.


Chicky Kadambari, a.k.a. Kaddu, is the “alien pumpkin” who blogs about her life on planet Earth. She is a 30+ female from India, a homemaker, store owner, Reiki healer, foodie, bibliophile, artist, amateur photographer, and a blogger. She loves books, music, sunsets, flowers, perfumes and tea. Her blog, miss_teerious, is a potpourri of various things – personal reflections and reminiscences, culinary “experiments” and book reviews, random doses of inspiration, her occasional attempts at photography and creative writing, her digital designs and other art/craft work, and anything else under the sun that catches her fancy.

She can be reached at:

Website: http://www.mysteriouskaddu.com/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MysteriousKaddu

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/miss_teerious

Goodreads: http://goodreads.com/miss_teerious


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  3. Shilpa Garg

    Chikky is a whiz kid when it comes to tech things of blogging. She is my go-to person for most blogging queries. In fact just last night, I was asking her about the way to change H1 H2 font sizes. Have read her posts for the AtoZ challenge and they are goldmine of information and insights for bloggers.

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