It is here, Y! Another difficult one but then the tail end of the A to Z is tough. Even though I fell off the wagon but I am completing my posts and this is the last one left, Z is already up and before my “Reflections post” I am finishing the few posts that got left. The lady for Y is one who has been writing stories since the time she can write! Yamini also has penned the thought-provoking, aptly titled book Full Circle and I eagerly await more books from her.
Yamini Vijendran @saimini is the author of ‘Full Circle’, a romance novella published by Indireads. After being a Software Professional for 7 years, Yamini has been freelancing from home for the past 3 years. She loves to dabble in fiction and romance and drama are her favorite genres. Her short stories have been published in ‘Love Stories That Touched My Heart’, an Anthology published by Penguin India, New Asian Writing and Six Sentences. Yamini also likes to pen poems when inspiration strikes, and her poetry has been published in The Indian Review, Contemporary Literary Review of India and ‘A World Rediscovered’ a poetry Anthology by Cyberwit Publications. Yamini draws material for her stories and poems from the world around her. When she is not converting her experiences to stories or poems, Yamini reads, plays with her toddler, and fools around her laboratory, that is, the kitchen.
You can visit her at
So here is my choice for Y, Who is your favorite? Anyone with Y that I missed?
I am writing about INCREDIBLE INDIAN AUTHORS for the A to Z Challenge 2015.
Author bio from respective websites and Wikipedia.

(This post is late but scheduled to appear on the correct day of the alphabet )