This book, A to Z of Blogging gives insights in managing all possible aspects of your blog. What attributes one must keep in mind while trying to establish oneself as a blogger. What to do and where not to waste our time. The tips, ideas, and the technical jargon are all explained in a very …
Blogging and writing is something we do out of love and a need, an urge to express ourselves. Today I proudly share with you all my best blog support group BAR @blogarythm1 and my most favorite challenge #AtoZChallenge combined together. I had the opportunity to blog for the BAR for one alphabet during the AtoZ …
The New Year is already old with a month already past. Days and weeks have slipped away and the new beginnings and plans already abandoned or changed and lucky ones implemented. The thought that time flies is never more obvious than during the beginning or an ending. One thing that I had planned last year …
“Every day we see so much, do so much, Learn so much, forget so much. Simple pleasures and super surprises. Intricate issues and delicate denials. Life made of just a little of this and a little of that. Never forget just remember that; be always grateful for all that you got.” December is a month …