Love Colour #WritingAtTheBar

If Love was a colour, it is…

I’m #WritingAtTheBar and if Love was a colour… no, Love is a colour and there’s no colour that Love isn’t. 

Love is a kaleidoscope.

As I see it Love encompasses all lives, shades and time so love is multicoloured, multi-hued and vibrant. 

We often hear the quote that Red, is the colour of love but are we sure it’s only red?

Love isn’t just Love but myriad shades of Love encompassing kindness, empathy, devotion, helping, supporting, nurturing, guiding and of course loving.

Ask anyone and each of us has a different favourite colour so how can love have a single colour? 

The monopoly of a single colour is not possible.

Our world is full of myriad colours and our life reflects the same as does our love.

Love is all around us, love surrounds us.

Love is a kaleidoscope.

The perfectly pink kissable lips.

The deep blue bright stark blue eyes.

The deep endless obsidian and eyes that beckon and want to drown themselves in those limpid pools of darkness.

The hazel eyes, green eyes, grey eyes or the bourbon brown eyes…endless eyes that beckon us to drown within their depth.

The tawny golden hair that flops over the creased forehead beautiful and pretty.

Love finds itself safely cocooned within these endless colours.

What is the colour of love when it lies in the eyes of a beholder?

Love can be whatever one wants it to be.

Love is all around us, love surrounds us.

Love is a kaleidoscope.

The sweet gesture of getting someone a chocolate.

Love wrapped in the shiny wrappers of gifts.

Striking are the golden silken skeins that bind us, gently rolling in waves and tangles one. 

Green is the one that Mother Nature endowed us with as the beautiful greenery surrounds us and supports us, it is green, the prettiest colour of love.

Is It wind blowing over the endless ocean or the unlimited, infinite sky and the deep endless Ocean, what is the colour of love?

Is it the love of Mother Earth?

Or is it the love of her mother who sees beauty in her child and beauty all around?

Love is all around us, love surrounds us.

Love is a kaleidoscope.

Love is a collection of all the beautiful colours that are bound around us.

Yet love can be White and divine pure like the mother’s milk, all pure and life nourishing, or the beautiful snow.

And love can be Black.

The inky night and twinkling with the White Silvery stars. 

Love can be everything and just what you want to be.

It is a beautiful Orange frock.

A little girl with shiny Black shoes.

A young boy runs across the field in red sneakers.

Others pretty Golden strappy, sandals a girl dances.

Is It the shade of Purple or is it Lilac?

 Is this shade of Orange or is it Red?

Is it hot pink or is it the beautiful magenta, a bride wears? 

Is it the pleasing Baby Pink or Powder Blue of babies?

Is it the vibrant Violet that decorates?

The gorgeous vibrant Jade,

Or a vivacious ruby Red.

Or the sparkling Sapphire.

The smooth, Black opal

Or the mystic pure Pearl.

Love is all around us, love surrounds us.

Love is a kaleidoscope.

Nature intended us to have colours so how can our love be a single colour.

Wherever we look around us, colours surround us.

It can be sometimes Grey and deary when we feel under the weather.

Or we feel a loss but soon love shall find its way to nurture and grow. 

As does love, if only we can look for it as a psychedelic, motley hue that is love.

Grow like the beautiful Green shoots and fly like the pretty-pretty birds.

Love is all the colours and every colour that you can see is love.

Love is all around us, love surrounds us.

Love is all around us, love surrounds us.

Love is a psychedelic kaleidoscope.


  1. Parul Thakur

    Love this and with you that love itself is color. There is no one color of love – pink or red as they say. It’s a beautiful post and I enjoyed the poetic flow to it. Hope you are well Inderpreet. It’s been a while.

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  2. Shilpa Gupte

    Your poetry brings love alive! Love that we find in someone’s eyes, or lips, or Mother Nature, or the varied things we want love to be!

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  3. Tulika

    Loved your post Indy. Love is indeed a kaleidoscope of colours. Isn’t it amazing how many forms of love we are surrounded by? And yet sometimes we don’t notice it.
    Glad to have you writing.

  4. Esha

    Such a happy, upbeat post, Inderpreet! I agree it’s all these myriad hues and tones that make Love this all-encompassing thing it is. It’s an emotion, a verb and a way of perception..maybe a way of life itself.
    Loved your interpretation of the prompt and such beautiful imageries as well.

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