Content Mills are the same thing that all of us have encountered sometime in our writing career. After a lot of deliberate thought, I decided to finally share my experience or the lack of it for writing for Content Mills.



Early in my freelance writing career, I encountered this Mail and the reactions and sentiments of others made me realize the futility of writing for content mills.


This was me, trying a new career in writing a few years back and the first thing I turned to was the content mills or the writing for few paisas per words. Hoping to make our fortune by devoting all our time and writing 8 to 10 articles per day and thinking that the money will accumulate.



Unfortunately, can you name one person who got rich and famous writing for content mills? I have yet to come across someone; if you know, do tell me.


Sure they work and give a lot of work to freshers and like so many other businesses they too are a business and they exploit the inexperienced by offering them the lure of a great income, continuous work and even certificates for their work.


Every time you apply for a position as a fresher or a housewife looking for work, the first thing in the mail is, ” Congratulations” and the second is “A Writing Sample”.


Did you ever pause to think, if they send this letter to everyone who applied and got samples from even half of them how much free content are you handing over to these mills?

You are just thankful that someone responded to your mail and has offered you work, but this very weakness is with all the newbie writers waiting for some work.


You continue to write for a few paise’s and so does the next person and the rates never go up. 
Each year hundreds join your hunt and if you request for an increment they have scores like you who will write for the same old measly amount.



Do you stop writing then; but how is it possible? If you don’t someone else will.

Here is an example from a real mail sent out by such an employer. I am sure that by mistake the sender pressed the wrong button and the mail id of all 200, yes 200 people were visible.


What followed was the reaction and disgust of all the people who had applied for the position of content writers. I have included the screenshots of the whole conversation and ask you to judge it for yourself.


Take a look and decide do you want to be a party to this farce or strive to work for something better.



I refuse to work for peanuts and decided to spread the word that we are writers and our worth be recognized.



I find it better to write for free (read guest posts) and let people be aware of my writing skills rather than write for pocket change and hide my skills behind a big organisation.


Do you write for content mills?

Have had a similar experience?

Do share with and let others learn from our mistakes……..


This post has been written for the Ultimate Blog Challenge and have also lined it to Anything Goes On Sunday at EVERYDAY GYAAN.


  1. Akanksha Dureja

    The last line says it all and that’s what my motto is. I will write for free but not for peanuts. Great post! Someone had to write it out. Thank you for speaking my mind.

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