Month: January 2018

Wall of Kindness #WATWB


Every month for our WE ARE THE WORLD BLOGFEST  #WATWB we share a story of kindness and good news, filled with goodness and gratitude. Today another story of about a different wall of kindness than the one I shared about. That was about donating clothes to the needy, this one is about giving opportunities to the …

A Promise Togetherness Forever: Piyush and Sunaina’s Sanctum (Verma Clan Sanctum Series Book 2) by Reshma Ranjan

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A Promise Togetherness Forever will reinstate your belief that love can heal all wounds, those inflicted on the body as well as the soul. Her earlier romances, Love Sees No Reason and Love, Certainly Is Blind are equally meaning full and emotional, leaving the reader in love with the characters.   Print Length: 121 pages Publisher: …